Iot and Cloud
Li2 welcomes you to the exciting field of Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud.
With all the hype surrounding IoT and established applications such as smart homes, smart cities, wearable, industrial internet, smart supply chain, we give you an opportunity to learn and leverage this technology in building your own smart network of devices with cloud support.
Keynote on Building IoT applications
Database and storage techniques, experiment on Google Firebase
Log data on Google sheets
Mobile apps for development
Blink an LED using Blynk application
Control RGB LED module using Blynk
Hosting a server on NodeMCU
IR sensor, DHT11 sensor and soil moisture sensor on serve
Running a website on NodeMCU
Introduction to MIT App inventor
Run an existing app
Control LED
Send data to mobile app
Concepts of MQTT, Adafruit IO, IFTTT
Chat terminal – Telnet using NodeMCU
Google Assistant
Send an email
Send a SMS
Send temperature value as an SMS
Home Automation using Google Assistant + Google Firebase
REST API and file formats for data transfer
EasyIoT Cloud and Device Hive
Project ideation and building
ESP8266 NodeMCU | Micro USB cable | Breadboard | IR sensor | DHT11 sensor | Soil moisture sensor | ADXL345 sensor module | Pulse sensor | LDR sensor | Buzzer module | RGB module | Mini water pump | Water pump pipe | Vibration coin motor | Relay module | Regulator | BO geared motor | Motor shield dual (H-bridge) | Resistor | Tactile switch | DC power jack | Jumper wires | Screwdriver